Did you know that the U.S. Military is the largest institutional polluter/consumer of oil/emitter of CO2 on the planet? Join us to learn about the facts and the future with a presentation by Jim Rine of the Veterans For Peace Climate Crisis & Militarism Project.

Jim is a Viet Nam era veteran and retired research geologist who joined VFP in 2005 in Houston, Texas, where he was president of Veterans For Peace Chapter 012. He is an adjunct professor with the Department of Environmental Science and Geology at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, where he is now an active member of VFP Chapter 074.

Following Jim's presentation, we'll have Q&A and discussion...and then a calling party with a sample script and numbers of your congresspeople so we can all call, right then and there, together (but muted).

Don't miss it!  ...and don't forget to check out the Veterans For Peace Climate Crisis & Militarism Project:

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