Human Rights & Justice Committee
Human Rights & Justice Committee works on a host of issues including but not limited to Civil Liberties in US, Status of Human Rights Domestically, Abolition of Death Penalty in Texas, Stopping Transfer of Surplus Military Hardware from Department Of Defense to Dallas Police Department & Dallas Independent School District, Campaign to End Racism, Supporting Comprehensive & Fair Immigration Reform, Supporting Gun Control Efforts, Campaigning for Environmental Issues.
The Committee tends to cover a lot of issues; if a team of members want to exclusively work on a single issue, a subcommittee will be formed under the Human Rights & Justice Committee that will focus on that particular issue. The Committee welcomes participants to join, speak their minds and work on issues of their choice. Carolyn Bentley is the chair of the Human Rights & Justice Committee.
Some of the DPJC Committee meetings, including Human Rights & Justice, are being held from 6:00 - 8:00 PM on the first Thursday of the month.
Our next meeting will be on February 6th, online and in-person.
Human Rights & Justice Committee 6:00 - 7:00 PM
World Peace & Nonviolence Committee/Middle East Peace Committee 7:00 - 8:00 PM
We also encourage you to join the discussions and follow events on the committee's group page on Facebook.
HR&J Committee Minutes are accessible to registered
and logged in committee members and to others upon request.
Please contact