DPJC Scholarship Campaign:
Spring Lobby Weekend 2020 in Washington DC with FCNL

You helped send a number of these amazing young activists
to the Spring 2019 training!

Across the nation, young people are standing up to be counted, demanding to be heard, and vowing to work with determination to bring about positive change. They are ready!  At at time like this, and for the sake of the future, we couldn't need them more!

How can you support them?

Join DPJC's campaign to send up-and-coming youth leaders from Texas to Washington DC for the Friends Committee on National Legislation's activist training!

At the Spring Lobby Weekend 2020, from Saturday, March 28th to Tuesday, March 31st, hundreds of young activists will listen, learn, and act to address climate change. Complete event details are available on the FCNL website. 

Questions? Please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.