About the Dallas Peace & Justice Center


The Mission of the Dallas Peace and Justice Center is to promote a just and peaceful world through education, dialogue, reconciliation, advocacy and constructive action.

Our vision is that of a nonviolent world that works for all with justice and respect for the Earth, self and others...a world where our children and future generations can expect to live in a just and peaceful society based on connectedness and compassion.
We believe in the power of peace and justice to create a sustainable world. Seeking the transformation of society, we embrace the following:

Nonviolent Action – which compels us to construct systemic change in conflict by winning over hearts and minds

Constructive Conflict - a process which provides an opportunity to attend to varied viewpoints, and serves as a mode of truth-finding and community-building

Collaborative Strategies - the desire to join with other organizations with similar goals and objectives to build mutual support; generate ideas and alternatives; take collective action and expand resources

Inter-connectedness - the discovery of the many reciprocal connections we have that move us towards a sustainable and just human presence

Compassion and Forgiveness - in words and actions through seeking awareness of suffering and the desire to relieve it

The DPJC advocates for peace and nonviolence, the recognition of human and civil rights and justice for all, and the pursuit of ecological and climate justice. We organize and participate in educational presentations, cultural programs, peacekeeper and nonviolence trainings, and public demonstrations to raise awareness. We endeavor to keep the community connected and informed by means of our website, weekly newsletter, social media presence, dialogue and public statements. We study the historical, theological, ethical, and practical aspects of a nonviolent approach to conflict resolution.

Much of the ongoing work of the DPJC is done through committees:

World Peace & Nonviolence Committee

Nuclear Free World Committee

Human Rights and Justice Committee

Environmental Justice Committee

Media Accountability Committee

Young Advocates Committee

Kashmir Peace Committee

Currently, much effort is going into resettling newly-arrived refugee families and helping them start their new lives in North Texas. Please visit our project page for details.

Refugee Resettlement Project

Please see our Community Resources for a list of friends and allies who support peace, social justice, and environmental sustainability and are committed to nonviolence.



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