Meeting Details
Several of our committees are now meeting both in person and online.
Additional information on the facilities at First Unitarian Church:
First Unitarian Church is located at 4015 Normandy Ave, Dallas, TX 75205
Hallman Building - Rm 301: The Hallman building is easily accessed from Saint Andrews Dr. on the south side of church campus. Up the stairs from the street parking, there is an elevator on the left.
St. Andrews Dr. is off Preston Rd. one block north of Mockingbird Lane.
(The address you will get from Google is on the north side of campus – not very useful as it takes you to the sanctuary area which is locked.)
Online (Hybrid) Meeting Details
The meeting rooms offer a Zoom option, with an Owl which allows those in the room and those on Zoom to see each other (when all goes well!)
Parking: Off street parking will usually be more than enough. There is a church parking lot if needed off St. Andrews Dr.
We will have a special guest for the World Peace & Nonviolence Committee Meeting on February 6th at 7:00 with an "Update on Syria."
Ghada Mukdad, long-time activist for Peace for Syria, will be sharing her experiences on a recent trip to Syria.
Ghada was forced to undergo a very difficult interrogation because of her activity for peace here in the USA and declares that I was strong that day out of my beliefs that all what I have done is for peace.
She will also share photographs taken from her balcony in Damascus the night of the Dictator Fall, when the Syrian dictator fled the country and left Syrians to celebrate his fall.
You can also follow our meeting events on our Facebook pages, share them, and join in ongoing conversations:
Human Rights & Justice Committee: 6:00 - 7:00 PM
World Peace & Nonviolence Committee: 7:00 - 8:00 PM
To join these meetings online via Zoom, please use this link:
Meeting ID: 858 0338 5968
Passcode: 998127
Or scan: