Diann M. Smith
Diann became acquainted with peace activism at a young age being raised in a Quaker church in Oklahoma where it was taught that Christians should be known by our Love. Moving to DFW in 1996, Diann has participated in volunteer organizations including the Girl and Boy Scouts, Richardson Area Democrats, Liberal Women of Collin County and local animal rescue organizations. Diann is a veterinarian and has been in both small animal general practice and emergency practice in several cities including Dallas, Irving, Allen, Denton and Richardson over the past 29 years.
When she visited Peace Mennonite Church in Dallas, Diann knew she had found her church home where the values of Love, Peace and Inclusion were on display and embraced by this small but mighty congregation. Diann recently served as the church’s lay leader (Congregational Chair) during the 2023-2024 term.
Diann is married and has two adult children who live in Colorado. She is excited about becoming more involved in opportunities to make our city more peace-loving, equitable, inclusive and inviting, and hopes to inspire others in her congregation at Peace Mennonite to do the same.