Beating Guns Tour
March 20th 7:00 - 8:30 pm

March 20th 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Oak Lawn United Methodist Church
3014 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, Texas 75219
Join Beating Guns authors Shane Claiborne and Mike Martin to discuss what America could look like if we figuratively and literally turn swords into plowshares. This event will feature the forging of a gun into a garden tool and music by Paul Demer.
Join the journey to end gun violence, to see how we can change our hearts and culture. Start thinking and acting to end the massive toll that gun violence takes on our country.
Hosted by Beating Guns Dallas, Brazos Press, Dallas Peace & Justice Center, Oak Lawn United Methodist Church, Peace Mennonite Church, Shane Claiborne
Oak Lawn United Methodist Church
3014 Oak Lawn Ave
Dallas, `Texas 75219