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Climate Change & Food in Dallas

Climate Change & Food in Dallas:
Be Part of the Solution

DPJC ClimateChange and Food600

Get informed on how the changing climate and natural disasters affect food production and the availability of food. We all are affected!

First Unitarian Church of Dallas
Channing Hall
4015 Normandy Avenue
Dallas, TX 75225
Thursday, November 21,

6:30 PM Reception
7:00-8:30 PM Program


Join us for a conversation with local environmental experts facilitated by Susybelle Gosslee.
Special interest will be placed on the climate change problem, how it affects food production, and the solutions to create enough food for a growing population.
At the end of the program, the audience is invited to engage the experts in Q&A.

Molly Rooke, an environmental activist for many years, will give an overview of the United Nations report on Climate Change and Food. She will talk about how the changes in the climate affect food production, distribution and availability to different socio-economic levels in the world and in Dallas.

Susan Alvarez, Assistant Director of the Dallas Office of Environmental Quality and Sustainability, will speak about the city of Dallas’ plans to address climate change and how the city plans to improve the quality and sustainability of Dallas’ environment.

Dr. Joe Masabni, East Texas A&M Extension Service Agrilife Small-Acreage Vegetable Specialist, will speak on the effect of climate change on the vegetable production for small acreage producers.

Dr. Genhua Niu, Dallas Texas A&M Extension Service Agrilife, will speak about the environmental stress on vegetables, urban landscaping, and gardening.

There is no charge for this event, but please register below so we know how many are coming.

Registrations are now closed
First Unitarian Church of Dallas
4015 Normandy Ave
Dallas, Texas 75205