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Rally to Face the Forensics

Rally to Face the Forensics: #StopTheExecution of Rodney Reed

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Oct 1st to 4th
Please join us for a week of peaceful protest to STOP the execution of #RodneyReed. Rodney's execution date is scheduled for November 20th. We must continue to demand that Gov. Abbott and the State of Texas stop the execution and grant the DNA testing and day in court that Rodney deserves! With that said, we're respectfully taking our fight back to the Governor-- at his house, the Texas Governor's Mansion!

We will meet everyday in front of the Governor's Mansion from 4pm-7pm. On Friday, October 4th- the final day of protest for this week- we will head to the Texas State Capitol from the Governor's Mansion around 4:45pm to hear from various speakers who are actively supporting the fight to stop Rodney's execution, to ensure he is granted DNA testing of all the crime scene evidence including the murder weapon itself, to ensure he is granted a fair retrial where all of his witnesses including Dr. Michael Baden are called, and for him to be FREED!

Speakers' list TBA.

Event Details:

Texas Governor's Mansion
1010 Colorado St
Austin, Texas 78701