DPJC Position Statement
Statement on Domestic Terrorist Attack on Charlottesville, Virginia
August 16, 2017
The Dallas Peace and Justice Center grieves the loss of life and injury to those attacked in the recent spate of domestic terrorism in Charlottesville, Virginia. We offer our deepest prayers and condolence for the families of the victims.
We stand in solidarity with people of color and faith, currently under siege by the hate speech, bigotry and violence of white supremacy groups, such as witnessed on the University of Virginia Campus on August 12th.
We unequivocally denounce such acts of hatred and violence and stand against the spread of white supremacy groups, seeking a legitimate platform for racism and bigotry on college campuses and in our communities.
We support dismantling historical narratives which legitimize racism and demand the removal of confederate monuments.
We call on our elected leaders to be aware of how they may contribute to hate speech through public policy designed to threaten and target people by race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
We further commit to non-violent peace work with community allies to confront hate and dismantle racism through research, education, dialogue and action.
Don Dillard,
President, Dallas Peace and Justice Center