DPJC Position Statement
DPJC Statement On Responses To The COVID-19 Outbreak In Dallas County
Hadi Jawad Executive Director, Dallas Peace and Justice Center (214) 636-7011
As the corona virus spreads in our communities in Texas, we urge elected officials to ensure that human and civil rights of all Texans remains a top priority as state, county and city officials deal with an epic public health emergency.
We urge city, county and state officials to conduct policies in a manner that protects public health while ensuring civil rights and liberties are not compromised.
We urge that government and public health officials be mindful of the following suggestions:
1. It is imperative the public is kept up to date about information and developments regarding the COVID-19 VIRUS that are based on scientific evidence. This information should be relayed on all media platforms in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and other languages frequently spoken here.
2. Vulnerable segments of society MUST be protected.This means populations without health insurance or access to medical care, those who are incarcerated, and those who are homeless.
3 Testing should be made available to immigrants who might otherwise be afraid to make themselves known to authorities because of fear of deportation. Hospitals should be declared safe zones where no immigration laws will be enforced.
Public health, safety and civil liberties are mutually inclusive, and must be protected simultaneously.
Submitted By:
Hadi Jawad Executive Director
Dallas Peace and Justice Center