DPJC Position Statement

On Reinstatement of Federal Death Penalty

(7/29, Dallas, TX) The recent announcement that the US Government would resume executions after a nearly two-decade stoppage represents another political and moral failure of the current presidency. The trend within the last two decades in this country, even with a pro-death penalty US Supreme Court, has been to restrict the application of the ultimate punishment so that both death sentencing and executions have been dramatically reduced to their lowest point since the death penalty was re-legalized on July 2, 1976.

This is a moment for all concerned individuals and human rights activists in particular to contact their elected representatives at the state AND federal level to express their concern and outrage that the barbarism of the federal death penalty is returning in our names and with our tax dollar support. The death penalty, so deeply and inherently flawed with mistakes and vicious racism, has no place in this or any other civilized society, and it is incumbent on us to vigilantly work for its complete eradication from our country and world.

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