DPJC Position Statement
President Trump's veto of Senate Joint Resolution 7, the Yemen War Powers Resolution
Our position statement in response to President Trump's veto of Senate Joint Resolution 7 (S.J Res 7), the Yemen War Powers Resolution
"President Trump's veto is morally wrong, reckless and indefensible. We urge Congress to seek ways to overturn the presidential veto because it denies Congress its constitutional responsibility to authorize and fund wars.
Passed in both houses of congress with strong bipartisan support, the measure sought to extricate the U.S. from the Saudi Arabia led war that has starved 85,000 children to death, placed 14 million on the brink of famine amidst an unprecedented outbreak of cholera. The United Nations has described the Yemen crisis as the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the world today.
We urge Congress not to relent and continue to fight to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led immoral, and illegal war in Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East that poses no threat to U.S national security. Congress should continue to work to block weapons sales to the Saudi led coalition and use its power of the purse to cut off funding for U.S. military support."
Adopted 4/7/2019 by the
Dallas Peace and Justice Center
Middle East Peace Committee