DPJC Position Statement

DPJC Statement on Nuclear Weapons Negotiations with Iran
May 8, 2018

63% of Americans (and nearly that many Texans, we believe), say the U.S should stay in the nuclear agreement with Iran. The Board of Dallas Peace & Justice Center asks our Texas Senators and Congressmen to make a statement or use social media today in anticipation of President Trump's expected announcement at 2:00 PM to ‘fail to waive sanctions’ passed in the FY 2012 NDAA as the United States agreed to do under the Iran accord.

The nuclear agreement with Iran is working. There is no evidence to support the accusations that Iran is cheating.

The collapse of the nuclear agreement with Iran seems likely put the U.S. on a path to war. This is especially true given president Trump’s appointment of many long-time advocates of war with Iran.

Withdrawal from the agreement without cause, a violation of the agreement, seems likely to further damage America’s credibility on the world stage. It may also undermine U.S diplomatic relations with North Korea and international trade agreements.

Our diplomats fear that ending the agreement may undermine political moderates in Iran and further strengthen the hand of the hardliners who want to further pursue nuclear weapons development.